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In 2033 the world will celebrate the 2000 year anniversary of Christ’s crucifixion, resurrection and the birth of the Church on the Day of Pentecost. We believe the decade leading up to 2033 will be a defining decade, a decade in which it is possible for every person on earth to hear the gospel. Amsterdam2023 is the starting point for this decade of unprecedented evangelism.

As Chelsea and I prepare to get married, we beleive we are called to gather with the world's evangelists in Amsterdam for a monumental event as a launching point to prepare for the end time harvest. While we are there, we will be learning from some of the most dynamic ministry leaders alive. We even have the opportunity to travel with one of the keynote speakers of the event and learn directly from them.

Reinhard Bonnke, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts and countless others revolutionized the work of the evangelist in the 20th Century.

In 1983 in Amsterdam Billy Graham sponsored the first International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists. Now, a generation later, evangelists, missionaries and Great Commission focused ministries are converging on Amsterdam again for the dawn of a new era of evangelism. We gather again with a new vision ahead.

Thank you for your support in sending Chelsea and I as the next generation of evangelists this world desperately needs.

- Bryan Citrin
Author of Wild Expectance

With over 35 trips abroad, in Past Mission Trips We've:

Started A Library
Before a recent trip we had a meeting to discuss different initiatives we could do to really impact the village. Out of that meeting came the idea to start the first library ever for this village. Many Haitians don't own books or have the opportunity to learn to read. Even students in school still lack basic reading material.
Sent Kids to School
In Haiti school is not free. Our programs have enabled us to provide scholarships to grade schoolers, high schoolers, and even University students. We have even provided funding to a local school to pay for the teachers to keep the school running.
Hosted a Graduation
We had the honor of hosting the first ever graduation celebration in the village of Fond Doux. We had students graduate from both High school and College... All of which was made possible through the generous donations of people like you.
Provided Jobs to Locals
We understand if we are able to boost the local economy and provide local jobs it will help end poverty in this country. We don't just meet the immediate practical needs of hunger but invest in long term solutions. Economic development projects have ranged from motorcycle taxi businesses, animal breeding programs, to even launching a bakery!
Fed Tons of Hungry Children
It's not uncommon for kids in Haiti to only eat one meal a day (if that). Many evenings we are able to provide feeding programs to feed hungry children and youth.
Brought Food to Families in Need
It can be difficult for parents to provide for their family... Especially when it's a single mother taking care of five kids. We visit different families and literally bring them bags of rice and beans... the staple food of the island. In those moments they can experience some relief from the constant lingering hunger. This also enables them to feed extended family and friends as well.
Provided Clothes to Impoverished Families
Many times I hear a kid begging me for a pair of tennis shoes or shorts. We bring down loads of clothing to provide to families in the area. 
Provided Medical Assistance
People die all the time in Haiti from lack of basic medical assistance. We do what we can to meet basic medical needs as well as medical scholarships to send needy people to the local hospital. 
Encouraged the Multitude
When's the last time you heard an inspirational speaker and left discouraged? Probably never. People in Haiti don't get the opportunity to pull up Youtube and be inspired. We invite people from every background to come and hear our stories and offer encouragement to those in need with stories from the Bible. Many of us do not speak the language and speak through a translator. 
Much Much More
Whether it's Bingo night with the kids, to taking the children to the beach, or our soccer outreaches our days and nights are filled. It's exhausting work but it's worth it. 

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