In 2033 the world will celebrate the 2000 year anniversary of Christ’s crucifixion, resurrection and the birth of the Church on the Day of Pentecost. We believe the decade leading up to 2033 will be a defining decade, a decade in which it is possible for every person on earth to hear the gospel. Amsterdam2023 is the starting point for this decade of unprecedented evangelism.
As Chelsea and I prepare to get married, we beleive we are called to gather with the world's evangelists in Amsterdam for a monumental event as a launching point to prepare for the end time harvest. While we are there, we will be learning from some of the most dynamic ministry leaders alive. We even have the opportunity to travel with one of the keynote speakers of the event and learn directly from them.
Reinhard Bonnke, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts and countless others revolutionized the work of the evangelist in the 20th Century.
In 1983 in Amsterdam Billy Graham sponsored the first International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists. Now, a generation later, evangelists, missionaries and Great Commission focused ministries are converging on Amsterdam again for the dawn of a new era of evangelism. We gather again with a new vision ahead.
Thank you for your support in sending Chelsea and I as the next generation of evangelists this world desperately needs.
- Bryan Citrin
Author of Wild Expectance